Episode 7 - Pitchin' Impossible (584 KB) - Added 2023-10-19
What's more fun than trying your luck at midway games? It might be harder than you think if you can't see, but give it your best shot and win a squeezable prize! |
Episode 8 - Wheelin' and Dealin' (619 KB) - Added 2023-10-19
It's off to the races in this episode of Happy Tree Friends! Start your engines and gear up to win, but watch out for Lifty and Shifty, as they'll do anything necessary to keep the lead. |
Episode 9 - Stayin' Alive (888 KB) - Added 2023-10-19
Introducing Disco Bear, that lovable beast that never grew out of the '70s. His flirtatious ways get him in a heap o' trouble with Giggles and Petunia! Lucky for him that disco never really died. |
Episode 10 - Off the Hook (977 KB) - Added 2023-10-19
Lumpy's relaxing day of fishing is anything but fun for Russell the sea otter pirate! Swimming along, eating clams, Russell gets caught -- hook, line and sinker! |
Episode 11 - Mime and Mime Again (792 KB) - Added 2023-10-19
Sweet Mime is just trying to bring joy to injured Toothy, but he can't quite get it right. Making balloon animals is harder than it looks! By the way, do you know what kind of animal Mime is? He is a deer. |
Episode 12 - Water You Wading For (763 KB) - Added 2023-10-19
Cuddles is always trying to lure scared Flaky into some sort of trouble! In this episode, Cuddles wants Flaky to join him in the local swim hole... little does he know that what you don't see beneath the water can hurt you! |